Our company LLC “Westdevelopment Company” WDC has been operating in the Ukrainian market since 2015. The beginning of our activity was associated with the supply and construction and lighting of large facilities. Today, we design, supply and carry out electrical work on street lighting in cities, districts and towns, OTG, and also supply LED lamps for housing and public utilities, schools, hospitals, and kindergartens and preschool institutions. The company makes the installation and subsequent warranty service of lamps and related electrical equipment. Company Westdevelopment Company LLC WDC is a leader in the supply of lighting fixtures, IPC cables, lamps, lighting control panels, poles from leading manufacturers. WDC is a licensed and certified Street and Industrial Lighting Contractor in Ukraine. At our enterprise, located in Kiev, lighting equipment with high quality standards and a warranty period of at least 5 years is always available – LED lamps of world manufacturers PHILIPS, OSRAM, OPPLE.
All our specialists regularly undergo training, participate in seminars of our suppliers, and introduce new energy-saving solutions for our customers. WDC is a team of experienced engineers, professional project managers, educated young professionals, employees in the field of logistics and support, more than 100 Regular customers. Professionalism of employees, constant work on new solutions, the use of modern LED technologies, well-established customer service, the prevention of possible risks and trusting relationships with partners allow us to work for you, creating innovative integrated LED lighting solutions for your business, city, enterprise. You always get a product that best meets your goals and requirements, as well as the allocated budget.
WDC offers:
⦁ Complex solutions for power supply and lighting of buildings, housing and communal services enterprises
⦁ lighting of the transport infrastructure of aboveground and underground transport roads, territories, street lighting of urban and regional significance
⦁ Complex solutions in the field of power supply and lighting systems, the introduction of energy-saving LED lamps and Smart City technologies for cities, municipalities, OTG, villages
⦁ Design, supply, installation and commissioning of street and industrial lighting
⦁ Warranty service on the entire spectrum of the proposed LED lighting and equipment.
⦁ CIP cables and outdoor lighting poles
We work closely with design institutes and installation organizations, which allows us to perform significant amounts of work in a short time. Understanding the geography of development of our customers, our company is ready to perform work in any region of Ukraine.
We will always be glad to cooperate with you!